Session #13 begins by performing Self Myofascial Release series A.
You will be performing Flexibility series A in today’s session.
The rotational ankle sweep is introduced in today’s mobility segment. The objective is to keep the base foot still while swinging the opposite leg. In doing so, you will create rotational ankle mobility. Any movement of the foot will compromise mobility at the ankle. An added benefit of the movement is dynamic flexibility in the groin. Drivers, or additional weight, will be integrated to the lunge series performed in the previous 3 sessions. You will execute the same movement patterns, but the intensity of the drill will increase because of the load, as will core activity. You can use anywhere between 2-10 pounds for your driver weight. Today’s movement is a sagittal lunge with a driver raise. Next, you will perform the reverse lunge with posterolateral reach. This movement works to improve hip mobility by loosening up tight hip flexors while improving range of motion at the shoulder. There is a significant link between 1 shoulder and the opposite hip and ankle. The hip airplane will be performed next to improve hip internal and external rotation. Focus on rotating the pelvis towards the front leg and then away to achieve the best range of motion. The upper body and back leg should remain in a straight line throughout the movement. The yoga pike will be performed to improve extension of the thoracic spine. Do not allow the lower back to sag at any point during the movement. The seated t-spine rotation will be repeated from previous sessions.
For activation, you will start with the single leg hip lift iso in which you take the single leg hip lift from the previous activation series and hold at the top instead of repeating the movement. Maintain a push through the heel to achieve maximum glute activation. Your 3-point plank progresses today to elevating an arm versus a leg. This will be more challenging. You will move the arm to 3 different positions while working to stabilize your trunk. You can bend your elbow to decrease the difficulty of the exercise. Traditional crunches are advised against for reasons already discussed in this manual, but reverse crunches are a different story. This movement targets the external obliques (lower abs) and helps to correct forward pelvic tilt, which contributes to lower back pain. The bowler squat will be performed to train the glutes to produce and resist motion in multiple planes of movement. Adjust the range of motion to your current abilities. The cable/band single arm straight arm pull-down is utilized to activate the lats and scapular stabilizers. And, intensity is increased on the no money drill by adding a band for resistance while lying on the ground.
The strength training segment begins with the shoulder press performed in a split stance, which exposes the body to more instability. This is followed by the 3-point arm plank to reinforce core stability. Next, you will take the single arm step-up and move the dumbbell into a snatch position above the head for added difficulty. The hip airplane will follow to enhance rotational hip mobility. We will then take the split stance single arm row and transition to a dumbbell, which adds a level of difficulty and increased demands for stabilization. The external rotators of the shoulder will be addressed with the band no money “filler” that follows. The single arm reverse lunge from the previous session transitions to a snatch position in session #13. Glute activation will be targeted in the “filler” with the single leg hip lift iso.
Your session will conclude with Exit Work as you choose 1 or more components of your Prep Work and repeat the process to emphasize clean movements once again